Floral Care & Maintenance


  1. Unpack Carefully: Gently remove the bouquet from its packaging to avoid damaging the delicate blooms.
  2. Trim the Stems: Using sharp scissors or garden shears, trim about 1 inch from the stems at a 45-degree angle. This helps the flowers absorb water more efficiently.
  3. Prepare the Vase: Fill a clean vase with fresh, cool water and add the flower food provided.
  4. Arrange the Flowers: Place the trimmed stems into the prepared vase, ensuring they have enough space to spread out.
  5. Optimal Placement: Position the vase in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and drafts to prolong the freshness of the blooms.
  6. Daily Maintenance: Change the water in the vase every two days, and trim the stems slightly each time to maintain optimal water absorption.
  7. Hydration: Mist the blooms lightly with water every day to keep them hydrated and looking vibrant.
  8. Lifespan: 3-5 days.


Vase Arrangement

  1. Optimal Placement: Position the vase in a cool, shaded spot away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and drafts to prolong the life of your blooms.
  2. Trim and Maintain: Use sharp scissors or garden shears to trim about 1 inch from the stems at a 45-degree angle, then place them in fresh water. Change the water every two days and trim the stems slightly each time to ensure optimal water absorption.
  3. Hydration: Lightly mist the blooms with water daily to keep them hydrated and fresh.
  4. Lifespan: 3-5 days.


Flower Basket, Box and Cake

  1. Optimal Placement: Position the bloom box in a cool, shaded spot away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and drafts to prolong the life of your blooms.
  2. Hydration: Add water to your arrangement every two days to keep the flowers fresh and hydrated.
  3. Misting: Lightly mist the blooms with water daily to maintain their vibrancy and freshness.
  4. Lifespan: 3-5 days